Note to Self

May 20 – June 5, 2016

Produced by Adrienne Flagg in association with CoHo Productions

Note to Self


What if you could talk to your past or future self? What would you say? How would you answer?

Which values are kept over the course of a lifetime, and which are discarded?

What generation are you? How comfortable are you with that label?

Note to Self turns the argument between generations inward. It is a personal examination of how individuals change and grow over time.

6 lives played by 12 diverse performers spanning 125 years of love, tragedy, joy, life.

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Note to Self is devised from hundreds of ‘notes to self’, using traditional theatre, poetry, music and dance. Ensemble members ranging in age from 23-80 blend their personal stories into new characters that they play at different stages of life. Each of the 12 performers is paired in a team of two – one older and one younger. Using their personal stories they have created new characters that they will play at different stages of life.

Much of the workshop and writing time has been spent finding the surprising similarities in our stories, as well as embracing the unique mile markers that make us who we are. Debate and discovery become a series of  “notes” to  past- and future-selves.  This original ensemble-created theater piece weaves an epic, unique story that spans several life times. Through the encounters with these imagined selves, the audience is invited to dispel stereotypes and manufactured generational labels and embrace the links, reflections and distinctions between us all.

An unexpected side benefit of Note to Self is the deep and enduring inter-generational friendships developed in this liberating process.


Thursday- Saturday 7:30pm

Sundays 2:00pm

CoHo Theater 2257 NW Raleigh St.


$21 Standard ticket with reservation

$25 Standard ticket at the door

$16 Tickets Under 21 or over 65

2-for-1 Specials available Thursdays and Sundays for guests with 30 or more years difference in age.