Summerfest 2015

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5 Shows  .  5 Weekends  .  $55 Festival Pass

June 11 -July 12

Performances Thursday – Sunday at 7:30pm


Summerfest Pass



June 11-14

The Wildly Inappropriate Poetry of Arthur Greenleaf Holmes

by Gordy Boudreau

Gordy Bourdreau. Credit Carr Hagerman Photography



Lyrical. Lewd. Bawdy.

An evening with fictional 19th century English libertine poet Arthur Greenleaf Holmes’s monstrously entertaining verse in a spirited celebration of the unscrupulous English language. This show is not for children, the dull-witted nor the morally indignant.




June 18-21

Butt Kapinski

by Deanna Fleysher

Butt Kapinski. Credit Marc J Chalifoux



Interactive. Shadowy. Silly.

No one said being a pwivate eye was pwetty…Butt Kapinski returns to Coho with this gender-confused film noir murder mystery. Join Butt in a seedy world of sex, sin, shadows and subterfuge as you play in a world of dark dreams and bad similes. An interactive comedic experience for grown-ups only.



June 25- 28


by Wonderheads

Kate and Andrew Phoenix

LOON. Credit Second Glance Photography.



Wordless. Whimsical. Imaginative.

Acclaimed physical theatre company and mask imagineers the WONDERHEADS bring you a most peculiar love story that whisks a man to the moon and back. Delighted audiences ages 10-110 describe the magnificent mix of puppetry, mime, soundscape and mask-work as “pure magic” and “like a live cartoon”  in this moving silent story.




July 2, 3, 5

The Dissenter’s Handbook: A Collection of Riotous Tales by Dario Fo

by Dario Fo

Starring Matthew Kerrigan

Directed by Samantha Van Der Merwe

Matthew Kerrigan, credit Gary Norman
Matthew Kerrigan. Credit Gary Norman

Subversive. Carnal. Improvisational.

Dario Fo, Italy’s iconoclastic playwright-performer, forges incendiary wit and linguistic experimentation into provocative comedy. The Dissenter’s Handbook is a collection of Italian folklore filtered through Fo’s political jest, daringly staged by Portland theatre’s dynamic duo, Matthew Kerrigan and Samantha Van Der Merwe.

July 9-12

Drowned Horse Tavern (A Sea Shanty Cabaret)

by Portland Experimental Theatre Ensemble

Amber Whitehall, Christi Miles, Rebecca Lingafelter. Credit Owen Carey



Salty. Adventurous. Rowdy.

Batten down the hatches and clutch your grog tight – in the Drowned Horse Tavern drunken sailors meet to tell tales of shipwreck and lurking leviathans, to sing songs of adventure and loneliness, to whisper of the unfathomable sea within. PETE will spin vaudeville, live music and visceral performance style into a raucous evening of salty cabaret as part of PETE’s The Journey Play Is The Whole Thing: A Constellation Of Art Events, Objects and Experience.



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