Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Non-Discrimination

CoHo’s mission is driven by the belief that giving voice to a broad range of performers representing diverse training, aesthetics, ethnicity, age ranges, gender identities and economic status is fundamental in eliciting broader cultural and structural change. CoHo Productions strives to include and support participation by women and other underrepresented groups in every level of its operations. In all hiring practices, choice of plays and selection of projects and co-producers for the season, CoHo leadership evaluates number of roles, opportunities for and representation of women, along with the artistic quality and potential.

What Does Equity Mean to CoHo?

  • Equity means making opportunities for and supporting input from marginalized people at EVERY level of production, management and artistic decision making.
  • Equity means insisting that the roles available to women show their characters as full, complex and whole individuals in their own right, and not merely in their relation to male characters.
  • Equity means ensuring that theatre professionals of all gender identities and age demographics have access to interesting and varied work throughout the span of their careers.
  • Equity means acknowledging the ways in which all modes of storytelling have been historically dominated by privileged voices.
  • Equity means commitment to the ongoing challenge of changing these dynamics.
  • Equity means believing that ALL people will benefit when diverse voices are heard.

Diversity and Inclusion Policy

CoHo Productions, its leadership, Board of Directors and staff, acknowledge the historical and structural oppression of certain groups and identities present within the society in which it operates, and asserts that in order to effectively carry out its mission the organization must actively and consistently, to the best of its efforts, recruit, support and include individuals representing a diversity of experiences and backgrounds. We define diversity in terms of race, gender, age, religion, culture, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical abilities, parental status, and socio-economics. The board membership, staff, artists, cast and crew, co-producers, partners, vendors and general talent shall be made up of smart, talented, engaged, and knowledgeable individuals from diverse racial, ethnic, gender, sexual orientation, cultural, professional, and class backgrounds wherever possible. The board will develop and implement ongoing plans for its sustainable visibility, outreach, and recruitment to diverse communities, and benchmarks will be evaluated regularly. We aspire to develop, promote, and sustain a culture and reputation in the communities that we serve as a high performing organization that values, nurtures, and leverages diversity and inclusiveness in all that we do.

Corporate Non-Discrimination Policy

Adopted by the Board of Directors

CoHo Productions does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to, hiring and firing of staff, hiring and firing of production crew, selection of volunteers and vendors, selection of project proposals, production crew and companies and theatre renters and subleases, and provision of services. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our staff, clients, volunteers, subcontractors, vendors, and clients and co-production partners.

CoHo Productions is an equal opportunity employer. We will not discriminate and will take affirmative action measures to ensure against discrimination in employment, recruitment, advertisements for employment, compensation, termination, upgrading, promotions, and other conditions of employment against any employee or job applicant on the bases of race, color, gender, national origin, age, religion, creed, disability, veteran’s status, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. These measures will equally apply to all volunteers, vendors, contract workers, production crew and members of co-production companies.