
Grounded No text
Photo by Owen Carey – Rebecca Lingafelter

Script by: George Brant 

Directed by: Isaac Lamb

Performance by: Rebecca Lingafelter

Previews-April 29th & 30th 7:30pm

Run:May 1st – May 23rd 2015

Thurs – Sat at 7:30 PM

Sun at 2 PM

With a meteoric rise including the National New Play Network’s 2012 Smith Prize and the Edinburgh Festival’s 2013 Fringe First award, George Brant’s Grounded is a solo-play of Odyssean proportions.  After discovering she’s pregnant, an ace F-16 fighter pilot finds herself reassigned to the Air Force drone program. By day she hunts terrorists, piloting a remote-controlled drone from an air-conditioned trailer in the Nevada desert. Each night she returns home, retreating to the routines of civilian life and parenthood. But navigating the shift may prove to be the most dangerous mission of all.

“a spare, profane yet surprisingly lyrical string of words that invites us into the head of the swaggering pilot, whose work day involves killing from afar and home life includes a husband longing for her to unwind and a daughter who plays with pink ponies.” – New York Times


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