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CoHo is committed to upholding an accountability process within our internal structures, in our artistic partnerships, and with our larger community. We are dedicated to engaging our audiences in theatre that is legitimately representative of marginalized stories. We are also dedicated to creating space for diverse audiences. In order for these dedications to mean anything, we must acknowledge and confront the harm that has been committed against indigenous and global majority people. We must understand and challenge the abusive power dynamics ingrained in our genders, sexualities, body sizes, socio-economic backgrounds, ages, abilities – in all of our identities. We strive not only to reckon with the ways injustice and oppression are embedded in everything we do, but also to work with marginalized communities to contribute to repair.

Anti-Racism Statement

CoHo Productions stands in solidarity with our BIPOC community. We commit to join those working to dismantle the entrenched, institutionalized racism that makes it possible for the centuries of violence against POC to continue. We acknowledge that white supremacy is central to systems of oppression, and that by not dismantling it, we have been complicit in keeping it intact. We commit to examining and deconstructing that white supremacy in our organization, listening and making space for voices of Black artists and artists of color, and actively working to fight racism in all of its explicit and implicit forms.

Land Acknowledgement

CoHo acknowledges the roles of White supremacy and colonization that are deeply embedded in the technology, organizational structures, and way of life we experience everyday. We acknowledge the land and resources we use to create our programming rests on the historic village sites of the many tribes who made their homes along the Columbia and Willamette rivers. We challenge ourselves and our community to consider how we play into the social structures that govern our everyday lives, reflecting on our roles in decolonization, reconciliation, and allyship.

At CoHo, we value:

Art accessibility.
Art that promotes diversity at every level of production.
Art that provokes healthy conversation.
Art that fosters trust and resilience in our community
Art that embraces originality.
Art that uses an efficient economic model, making more with less.

The CoHo Values Statement is a living document that should reflect the emergent needs of our community and therefore is always subject to evolution. Through unanimous consent by the CoHo staff, this Statement can be amended as needed. Changes to our values can be suggested by community members outside of the CoHo staff, and adapted amendments will always be published openly to the public.

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Solidarity with Marginalized Communities

CoHo seeks to center, uplift, and produce the works of marginalized people. We offer paid opportunities to be produced through our Residency and NightLife programs, prioritizing the stories of BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, Disabled, Sick/Dying, Neurodivergent, Poor, Fat, Elderly, and otherwise oppressed people. It’s of vital importance that CoHo legitimately serves our community – our whole community

Anti-Discrimination & Harassment

At CoHo Productions, we expect our community to help us support a safe, equitable environment for everyone. All CoHo staff, artists, patrons, donors, and Resource Center members are expected to adhere to CoHo’s anti-discrimination and harassment policy.
Click the button below to view the policy in full.

Pay-What-You-Can Ticketing

CoHo Productions upholds a pay-what-you-can ticketing system. This policy makes our productions inclusive to people of all socio-economic backgrounds. It encourages involvement from people who may not have the means to attend theatre otherwise and generosity from those with financial surplus.


Our theatre is 100% ADA accessible. We have two spaces reserved for wheelchairs in the house, all areas are ramped, and our bathrooms have ADA accessible stalls. We are working on providing more wheelchair accessible spaces in the house and spaces that are next to one another. We are committed to improving our theater’s ADA access and always have staff available for helping those with mobility disabilities around our space.

Live and Streamed Content

CoHo live streams all of our productions on our Twitch and YouTube channels. Our online presence makes our productions accessible to people all over the world and for those that are unable to leave their homes. We are committed to a hybrid online and in-person model to create a variety of access points for patrons. This policy makes our content more accessible to disabled and neurodivergent people that may not be safe or able to attend productions in person.

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Help us contribute to Accessibility

For more information on our inclusion and repair strategies, we invite you to contact us! We are always evolving and open to receive your feedback. If you or your community have ideas for how we could create a safer space, please email us at and we will be in touch. Thank you!

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