CoHo Podcasts
The Fronteriza podcast is a place for PETE company member Cristi Miles to reflect on conversations that she was never brave enough to have with her parents, a decir lo que cuesta para expresar.
Fronteriza: Episode 1
Fronteriza: Episode 2
Fronteriza: Episode 3
Meet the Host

Cristi Miles (Co-Artistic Director and Founding Member of PETE) is a native of El Paso,. TX. As a Portland-based artist she has been previously seen in many productions with PETE; Third Rail Rep; Portland Playhouse; Profile; Portland Shakespeare Project; and Teatro Milagro. Prior to living in Portland, she lived in Boston and directed and taught with numerous regional theaters throughout New England. She trained with Anne Bogart and the SITI company, Double Edge Theatre Company, The Roy Hart Theatre company and The Oregon Center for Alexander Technique. Cristi is an Assistant Professor of Theatre at George Fox University. Brandeis University MFA.
Radical Listening
In Spring 2019, CoHo endeavored to tackle the idea of Radical Listening head on, and the Radical Listening podcast was born. Produced by CoHo Productions and Virtual Sonic Reality Studios, Radical Listening features hosts Phil Johnson and Clifton Holznagel as they dissect Portland theater and performing arts through a series of interviews with local creators.
These two unconventional interviewers/theatre artists take a deep dive into the inspiration and creative processes of each guest, as well as getting their perspectives on popular topics. Recorded in the CoHo Theatre, each interview brings insight and levity to the relatively obscure world of the Portland art scene.
Each episode of Radical Listening is available right here for your listening pleasure. New episodes are posted as soon as they’re available. You can also subscribe on Apple Podcasts or stream from SoundCloud.
Radical Listening on YouTube
In a world filled with contentious noise, theater is a place to listen. Hear a story. Respond viscerally, spontaneously, immediately, and as a result engage with the world more openly. That is Radical Listening. In this episode, we talk to CoHo’s former Artistic Director and Radical Listening Co-producer Philip Cuomo about clown, co-production, and how to bring a theatre back from the dead.

Meet the Hosts

Phil Johnson is a visual and theatrical artist based in Portland and the host of the podcast Radical Listening (Coho Productions). Phil’s work centers around the human condition as we reluctantly try to adapt to technology and the changing world. Radical Listening is an opportunity to document the hard work of artists in our community, tell their stories and inspire better conversations amongst our peers. Phil has a B.F.A. and M.A. from Ohio University. If you enjoy the show please comment @Philjohnsonlive or visit for more content and playlists.

Clifton Holznagel is a lifelong student and practitioner of the theatre arts. Outside of Radical Listening, he performs on stage, teaches drama at Buckman Elementary School and experiments with projection design. He hopes that Radical Listening will give us all an opportunity to understand not only the meaning of art, but get to know the people who make it and the reasons it gets made.