The Identical Twins

The Identical Twins
Presented by The Identical Twins
Sept. 13 & 14, 2024 @ 7:30 PM
Have you ever caught your reflection wink at you? Have friends and family sworn they saw you, moments before the “real” you walked through the door? Have you found yourself face to face with a stranger, wearing the same clothes, moving at the same time? Are any of us really unique? And if not, could we all share, somewhere in the universe… an Identical Twin? Two of these souls find themselves meeting at the strangest moments, throughout time and space, in many different bodies. They dance a never-ending pas de deux: sometimes at odds, sometimes in sync, offbeat, clashing, coming together. In this lifetime, the Identical Twins are found lost and afraid in an abandoned Sears at the Lloyd Center with no memory of where they came from. Their uncanny resemblance and otherworldly dance talent have wowed audiences the world over. Appearing in Portland in their first evening-length engagement, don’t walk, don’t run, WALTZ to CoHo to see The Identical Twins in their self-titled spectacular.
About the Creative Team

Allie Menzimer is a Portland based actor, clown, and puppeteer. A graduate of Dell’Arte International, she resists the call of the void by eating oysters, watching baseball, reading gay fanfiction, and generally being a menace. Catch both of the twins in “They Were A Dracula” at the Stage Fright Fest, October 3-13 at the Chapel Theater. Many thanks to Jeff, CoHo, and the beloved weirdos that make it all worthwhile. Free Palestine.
Jeff Desautels is co-producer of the Stage Fright Festival, the only queer horror theatre festival in the known universe. He is a founding member of the award-winning clown troupe, Box of Clowns, with whom he has performed all over the world, including in Mind Blown at CoHo. Jeff has performed with the CoHo Clown Cohort, Sir Cupcake’s Queer Circus, Fou Fou Ha, and other local beloved weirdos. Free Palestine.