Sustaining Membership

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CoHo Productions is looking for 50 new Sustaining Members who want to level up their commitment to our creative community. Learn more about how to become a recurring CoHo donor and join us in our quest to create a self-sustaining, self-producing artistic ecosystem in Portland, OR.

What Is Sustaining Membership?

When it comes to preserving creative longevity, sustainability is key. At CoHo, a “Sustaining Member” is a donor who shows their support through recurring monthly donations of $10 or more. 

Sustaining Members are individuals with a vested interest in supporting our mission of empowering, emboldening, and uplifting our local artistic community, and funds from recurring  donations go directly from community members to community members.

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Here, Now, And Forever – CoHo Means Community.

For the past 28 years, CoHo’s mission has been centered around empowering new and emerging artists in our local community, championing Portland creatives who share their passion, their truth, their art, and their stories, and deepening the theatrical landscape of the artistic community in PDX.

Now that our doors are open once again and the CoHo stage is brimming with local talent, our sights are set on accessibility and sustainability. When it comes to nurturing a self-sustaining, self-producing creative community, access to the resources needed to bring a new work of art to life are essential. Artists need not only access to a stage and the funds to produce; artists need administrative resources; artists need mentorship and networking opportunities; artists need to know how to write a grant, how to hang a light, how to sell tickets, and which hashtags to use on TikTok. 

Creating art is a multifaceted process, and our goal for 2023 is to turn CoHo into a one-stop shop location where new artists can find access to the tools, connections, and support systems they need to create new works of art their way, on their terms.

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Access to Affordable Space

Through our variety of programming opportunities, artists have access to the CoHo Theater anytime there is free space on the calendar. Through our accessible rental model, the CoHo Residency project, CoHo ClownFest, and our open co-production model, artists applying with new work at all stages of development can find opportunities to bring their latest creative sparks to life.

The CoHo Resource Center

In 2023, CoHo plans to renovate the NW Raleigh Building we inhabit, converting our current office spaces into a new creative resource center for the greater Portland area. Resource Center membership will be offered at an accessible sliding scale rate, and members will unlock access to a new fully-stocked co-working space, recording studio, board room, design software and technical support, skill shares, networking opportunities, mentorship, and so much more.

Direct Redistribution of Funds

Part of CoHo’s support model includes providing financial support for CoHo artists. Firmly believing that the arts should provide a living wage, CoHo is proud to pay our performers a competitive rate, providing heavily subsidizing performance space, ticket-split opportunities for all co-productions, and reallocating precious funds from grants and donors, distributing them directly to the creatives in our community.

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Every dollar donated as a Sustaining member makes a difference. Your donations go directly back into the pockets of our community, ensuring CoHo artists have access to the resources they deserve and the financial support they need to self-produce original new works on their own terms.

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Unlock Sustaining Membership

In addition to the wonderful feeling that comes with actively preserving artistic sustainability, perks to Sustaining Membership include…

  • One Free Festival Pass to the CoHo Clown Festival, good for entry to any and all of the performances happening during the 4-week run of the festival!
  • One CoHo Insulated Wine Cupcomplete with a free drink ticket so your first glass of wine as a Sustaining Member is on us!
  • Sustaining Member Swag Discount, good for 15% off all CoHo merch available in the CoHo Store! 
  • A Personal Invitation to the CoHo Discord Server where you can interact and connect with the most active members of CoHo’s community and hear the latest news, insider tips, and announcements in advance!
  • Red clown noses for all:)
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Becoming A Sustaining Member With CoHo Productions Has Never Been Easier.
  • Step 1: Click the red button below.
  • Step 2: Select a pre-determined monthly donation amount, or choose a custom amount that works best for you.
  • Step 3: Link the card you want to be associated with your monthly donation, then process your first payment using the checkout page.
  • Step 4: CoHo will automatically charge your card with your selected donation amount every month.
  • Step 5: Nothing for you to do now except sit back and relax, knowing your support will be felt by your local creative community in real, tangible, actionable ways on a recurring monthly basis.

This year, flip the script on the way you think of philanthropic support for the arts. Take the plunge from passive patron to active and engaged Sustaining Member with your $10+ monthly donation, unlocking insider perks, early access to CoHo announcements, and directly helping us sustain the creative spark that powers Portland’s community of wild, weird, wonderful artists. Don’t delay – Sustain today!

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