Ah, December. The time of year when we reflect on the months that have passed, the successes we’ve had, and the opportunities to come. In 2018, we had a production onstage, in rehearsal, loading in, or loading out of the CoHo space every single week. Our year was packed with everything from CoHo’s Season 22 & 23 co-productions (This Girl Laughs, This Girl Cries, This Girl Does Nothing; Luna Gale; Radiant Vermin; The Taming) to new works in development from the CoHo Clown CoHort and CoHo Lab artists, to Summerfest madness, to partnerships and guest rentals that brought music, storytelling, history, revolution, sex, ghosts, aging, and long journeys to our stage. And we couldn’t be more grateful for the artists and audience members who helped make it all happen.
Do you want to help us do just as much (and even more) in 2019? Consider a year-end, tax-deductible gift to CoHo! It’s easy to do and any amount is appreciated – just click HERE. Thank you for supporting live performance!
This is CoHo’s (visual) Year in Review!