CoHo in the News: Crooked

Alison Hallet with The Portland Mercury gave us a really nice shout out: “Opening tonight over at the CoHo, a show about a mom and kid who move to a conservative small town, called Crooked, co-produced by local theater power couple Philip Cuomo and Maureen Porter. I’ve found myself prioritizing seeing shows at the CoHo lately: Their co-production model means you’re seeing a variety of work; it’s typically very well produced; and it’s such a great little space, easily the most professional-seeming of the city’s small blackbox theaters…” seems intrigued by our little show.

And don’t miss the great preview article in The Oregonian.

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CoHo Blog: The Way You Made Me

An Interview with the Creative Team Coming up next at CoHo is The Way You Made Me, a one-woman show by local Portland Playwright, Lindsay

CoHo Residency: (un)tangled

Our final featured resident is Claire Rigsby, a performance artist who specializes in devised theatre and solo work. Claire is a performer, mover, maker, and

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