Portland native Caleb Sohigian got his start as a street-performer (juggler, magician, yeller) alongside his father. His previous Portland theatre experience consists of being selected as a Promising Playwright for the 2014 JAW festival, working as an apprentice for the Original Practice Shakespeare company, and performing in a number of plays at Lincoln High School, including A Dybbuk (The Dybbuk) Chicago (Amos Hart), and The Skin of Our Teeth (George Antrobus). Caleb would like to thank Katie McFarland, Jim Peerenboom, Matthew B. Zrebski and his own worried parents for their love and support.
What has been the most challenging part so far in working on this production? Most exciting?
It’s a basic thing, but I’ve had a very hard time with memorization for this production. The written in this beautiful style which I’ve never worked in before, where the lines are colloquial while still demanding precision. It’s like learning to talk again.
Most exciting? Working with Val and Mike. It doesn’t make sense. My heart palpitates throughout rehearsal. I’m holding on for dear life as these two freight trains of talent hurtle along, breaking the sound barrier while I frantically scribble down notes. It’s fantastic.
What do you think this production has to say about human connections? Are they frail? Strong? Is it hopeful, or pessimistic?
Strong, but strained. The characters remain hopeful through a great deal of storm. But who knows? My interpretation may change once I’ve lived longer.
What do you think about personal ads?
Wow, I’m not sure! Judging by my cousin’s success with Tinder, I’d say the format is quite appealing. I mean, success is a loose term here. We have our doubts. His girlfriend is always busy when we have family gatherings. Last time I mentioned her he was all like “yeah, she’s great” but like, down at his lap so I couldn’t see his eyes. Also they are never in pictures together, except in like, Facetime screenshots. Honestly I think we’re growing apart.