CoHo Productions has pioneered artist led co-production as a model of creating theatre since 1995. Each season, CoHo solicits scripts and project proposals from Portland’s community of theatre professionals and selects three to produce in partnership at CoHo Theatre in Northwest Portland. The artistic vision is democratic, reflecting the tastes of the Portland theatre community. Seasons are diverse and unpredictable; the sole quality nurtured and insisted on is excellence.
Submissions are selected by CoHo’s Artistic Council, consisting of esteemed members of Portland’s theatre community and CoHo’s Producing Artistic Director.
Submissions for Season 25 (2020-2021) are now open.
Updated submission guidelines for Season 25 are available HERE.
A pre-formatted Excel budget worksheet is available here.
A ground plan for CoHo Theatre is available here.
Our current lighting inventory is available here.
Please contact with questions.
Season 25 Application Timeline
Monday September 23, 2019 || General Information Meeting
Monday October 28, 2019 || Budgeting/Fundraising Information Meeting
Friday November 15, 2019 || Last day to submit proposals for feedback before final submission
Monday December 2, 2019 || Submission Deadline (11:59pm)
Early February, 2020 || Interviews with Co-Producer Finalists
Early March, 2020 || CoHo Season 25 Announcement
Upcoming CoHo Lab opportunities will be announced here.
The next CoHo Lab has not yet been scheduled.
Selected artists receive a 20-30 hour workshop residency to develop their work and modest artist stipends are provided. Each Lab includes a private/invited showing for the artists to receive professional feedback (prior to a public showing). The Lab culminates in a ticketed showing for a public audience, featuring excerpts from work created by each artist selected for the Lab period. Public performances usually showcase 20-minute sections from 4-5 new works.
To apply, please submit one document including the following:
- Lead Artist name, contact information, and brief bio
- Project Title (and author’s name if different from lead artist)
- Vision Statement (including why you are motivated to workshop this project)
- Description of Lab hours (include what key element of the project you would explore and how you might spend your 20-30 hours of Lab time)
- Describe the scale and content of a private invited feedback session (How many people/who would you like to invite and what might the focus of that feedback session be? List names of people you would invite to the feedback session)
- Key Artists (if any in addition to Lead Artist) with bios
Email completed applications or questions to
CoHo Lab launched in August 2016 for CoHo Productions to provide dedicated space, time and resources to theatre artists developing new works of performance.
As studio spaces become less accessible, and methods of collaborative theatre-making become more project-specific, CoHo Lab provides a crucial service and extends CoHo’s mission to nurture and support exceptional Portland-based theatre artists.
For audiences who enjoy new work mini-festivals like Risk/Reward and JAW, these casual showings are a rare chance to see a sampler of solo performances, original plays, ensemble devising, one-on-one performance encounters and other exciting performance.